Prevent & reverse chronic diseases, through nutrition
and lifestyle changes.


By making some simple changes in what you do every day – choosing different foods, being more active, sleeping more and stressing less – you can feel better, without prescriptions.

It’s called Lifestyle Medicine and it can give you your life back. This evidence-based therapeutic approach to better health includes 6 key areas where we’ll focus on making changes: Nutrition, Physical Activity, Sleep, Stress Reduction, Substance Avoidance and Health Relationships.



What you eat directly affects how you feel every day. By choosing whole, plant based foods, you’ll reduce inflammation and chronic disease symptoms. I can help you change what’s on your plate for better health.

Physical Activity

Physical Activity

Regular physical activity is important to your good health. The more consistently you move, the greater health benefits you’ll see. Together, we’ll find a way to incorporate exercise into your normal routine.



Getting the proper amount and quality of sleep on a daily basis is key. Working together, we can plan the best environment and conditions to improve your sleep health.

Stress Reduction

Stress Reduction

Some stresses are healthy, while others are harmful and trigger a rise in anxiety, depression, obesity and dysfunction. Let’s create a plan to manage the daily stresses you encounter.

Substance Avoidance

Substance Avoidance

Addictive substances can be dangerous. By not smoking and limiting your intake of alcohol, you’ll minimize inflammation and reduce your risk of some cancers and heart disease.

Healthy Relationships

Healthy Relationships

Support from family, friends and colleagues is critical. It’s what helps us feel connected to one another and minimizes stress and feeling of isolation, which deteriorate health.

Over time, these small changes add up to create major lifestyle transformations. Let me show you how you too can live your best life, simply by making one better choice at a time.

I'm ready to get started, how about you?


“Lifestyle medicine is an evidence-based approach to preventing, treating and even reversing diseases by replacing unhealthy behaviors with positive ones — such as eating healthfully, being physically active, managing stress, avoiding risky substance abuse, adequate sleep and having a strong support system.” — American College of Lifestyle Medicine